Conejo Valley Botanic Garden in Thousand Oaks


It is situated at Thousand Oaks, California, Conejo Valley Botanic Garden offers an beautiful, landscaped horticultural paradise located on the top of a hill. The garden was opened in 1976 and is operated by volunteers. The garden covers 33 acres of vegetation and natural landscaping. It is open seven days a all week. It is free to use.

The Garden is home to fifteen different gardens. The Desert Botanical Garden features cacti and desert trees, and succulents. Additionally, the Herb Garden features medicinal herbs and aromatic mint plants. It also features a Koi lake and an Japanese garden. There is a Children's Garden is a separate space where youngsters can enjoy and play with plants. There are a variety of walking trails that visitors can walk along.

The Nature Trail is a three-quarter-mile trail that passes through oaks, willows with other species of trees. The Trail of Trees features fifty diverse species. Some are identified with a common name as well as botanical names. There are many native trees and plants in the area , including the redwood. This trail's Little Loop Trail leads around an open meadow as well as a stream.

It is also home to the Desert Botanical Garden also has an herb garden. The garden houses plants from five distinct Mediterranean climate zones. The garden also features a unique orchard of fruits. The plants that flourish in this region are continuously mulched with wood chips which stop water from building up. If there is standing water it can cause death to some species that live in dry climates.

The Bird Habitat is where you'll discover a variety of bird species like Black phone oak titmouse as well as the California towhee. It also houses an water source and species that provide the year long food sources for birds. The bird Habitat is situated in the third level of the Garden. It is a renowned attraction for birds who move around. The Garden is where you can find The Butterfly Garden which is where nectar sources are accessible to butterflies. The garden also houses an indicator that shows the most often encountered butterflies.

The Desert Botanical Garden includes a unique selection of plants that are drought resistant. It also features the Penstemon collection, which is a vibrant source of blooms all year long. The Garden also has an arboretum, too. The arboretum houses a range of trees and plants that are being researched and maintained by scientists. The Garden also has the nursery. The nursery is an area for work for the team of plant propagation.

It also houses The Desert Botanical Garden and features an unusual fruit orchard. The garden houses more than forty varieties of trees from 35 countries. The Tree Collection has been installed by California Rare Fruit Growers.

It is the Conejo Valley Botanic Garden is the ideal spot to enjoy a relaxing weekend, or perhaps a couple of hours. The garden is located on 400 West Gainsborough Road in Thousand Oaks, California. Parking is plentiful at the entry point to the garden. CVBG also hosts plant sale every Sunday. There is also a place to collect donations at the entrance point. It is advised to inquire about the garden prior to visiting to know what time is best to visit.


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