Santa Susana Railroad Depot & Museum in Simi Valley


It is the Santa Susana Train Depot & Museum is among the most popular places to visit at Simi Valley. It is a completely rebuilt Southern Pacific Railroad depot, situated in the middle of Simi Valley in California. The unique museum houses an actual railroad model and displays historic railroading items from times that have passed. Visitors can also walk through an engine's cabin.

For more than 60 years, the depot was the main hub of communication for the community. The depot was situated at the corner of Los Angeles Avenue and Tapo Street The station was also the hub for local freight shipment. The depot also offered telegraph services.

The depot's construction is an Southern Pacific standard design. A station agent's residence was constructed as well as accommodation for the train's operator. Today, the museum is home to a public gathering space as well as a railroad museum. The museum also houses an HO scale model layout of trains that is open to visitors during weekends.

In addition to the museum The depot is also the base for in the Santa Susana Railroad Historical Society. Santa Susana Railroad Historical Society that is a non-profit corporation. The members of the society manage the layout and provide private tours.

At weekends the group runs trains and operates the model railroad. They also provide free docent-led tours on Sundays and Saturdays. The layout of the park, which features an actual railway model, shows Simi Valley in the 1950s.

Another place to visit in the Simi Valley area includes one of the museums in Simi Valley is Strathearn Historical Park and Museum. This park has a speaking series about the significance that railroads played within Simi Valley. A majority of the speakers are members of the local community and speak about the historical significance of the railroad within the region. On the guided tour led by a docent, visitors will be able to explore the diverse depots and discover their historical significance.

The museum is home to many fun with interactive and engaging exhibits it's its model railroad that is worthy of an acknowledgement. It's a replica of the Southern Pacific depot from the 1950s that was restored to its former glory. If you visit Santa Susana Museum & Model Railroad, you will be able to see the Santa Susana Museum & Model Railroad You can enjoy a ride on the model train and see the various static objects from the past.

Finally, the museum contains many interesting photos and models. It's easy to imagine that trains were in vogue during the first half of 1900.

If you're interested in the railroad's history or simply a huge train fan, you'll delight in the experience of visiting the museum. The depot is a sought-after destination for both tourists and locals alike. To ensure that the museum remains operational The Santa Susana Foundation has worked to preserve the rich history of the depot as well as the region.

It is the Santa Susana Depot & Museum is a prominent landmark in the city of Simi Valley for more than 50 years. Since then, the building has been meticulously restored to its original state and gives a glimpse of the rich history of the area. Visit the museum for an insight into the past and experience the new ways to pass the time.


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